Amped Extenders setup via setup.ampedwireless.com
Setup.ampedwireless.com is web page for router setup. Amped extenders are the efficient devices to let the routers gain the proficient speed from the network sources. These gadgets are best utilized when they are put on the best halfway distance of extenders and the network source. There is also an LED on the Amped Extender which will signify the type of connection between the Amped router and the Access Point. The green LED will signify the strong connection and the red LED will signify the weak connection.
Amped Extender Setup Manually - setup.ampedwirles.com
Simple and complete steps to connect the extender with your Amped wireless router which is very simple and convenient.
- First, unbox your Amped extender and plug it into the power source of your home.
- In order to connect it with the help of WPS button of Amped extender, turn on the WPS button of the extender and also of your Amped router.
- Your LED of Amped extender will turn solid green when a powerful connection will get established between your extender and the router.
- Now unplug your Amped extender and plug it into the power source that exists nearly between the halfway of your network source and the router.
- Once you have plugged it in, wait for the power light to turn green light into solid as it will give you the surety of the well-established connection.
Note: If the light on your extender turns amber it means the connection is strong but if the light comes red then it signifies the poor network of the extender.
- Once you have found the perfect location for your extender, connect your client device with the new network name showing on the wi-fi signals
- When connected, type the same password that you have used in the router
- Once you are successfully connected, check the client LED on your extender, if it solid or amber green then it indicates the connection is well established.
- Your AC wifi range extender is now setup successfully and ready to go.
How to set up an Access schedule in the Amped router?
Access schedule allows a user to set up a predefined schedule according to which the internet within the network will get accessed. You can utilize the schedule feature to restrict users from accessing specific websites or the internet within the network for security reasons. You can create the restriction in any of the frequency bands i.e 2.4 GHz or 5GHz. It creates network security and only allows the specified users to have legal access in the setup.ampedwireless.com network.
Steps to setup an Access Schedule in the Amped router
- Open a browser on the computer connected to the local network.
- Type setup.ampedwireless.com or in the address bar of the browser
- Hit enter and the default login window appears on the screen.
- Type “admin” in the username field and mention the password you typed earlier during the login process.
- If you haven't changed the default password, type “admin” as the default password.
- Both the username and password fields are case-sensitive.
- Once done, click log in.
- The setup.ampedwireless.com menu Dashboard appears on the screen.
- From the homepage, go to the Wireless tab, select the Wifi settings then click Access Schedule.
- The Access Schedule page appears on the screen.
- Enable the Access Schedule by toggling the Access Schedule bar to the right side.
- Now select the days for which you want the Wifi to be enabled in the network.
- The days that you will mention in the above specification will be the days in the week format. If you want to apply the schedule to the whole week, select all days as an option.
- Now Select the time frame for a single day for which you wish your Wi-fi to be available.
- Select the wifi network to which you want to apply the above settings
- Click Apply to save the changes you made.
Note: A user has to make sure that the time settings in the setup.ampedwireless.com management window should be configured correctly. The System Clock should work correctly in order to allow the time featuring functions to work correctly in the Amped router. Time zone settings could easily be adjusted from the Time Zone settings of the setup.ampedwireless.com web menu Dashboard.
How to change the password in Amped routers via setup.ampedwireless.com?
Features of Amped routers are easily accessed through the www.setup.ampedwireless.com. Login requires the username and the password. It is strongly recommended by the experts to change the default username as well as the password. The password should usually be changed to secure your network properly from the unwanted users. Length of it should always be proper to not to be predicted by anyone.
If the user wants to change the password, with the help of setup.ampedwireless.com. By logging in you can adjust the settings to successfully change the password.
- Launch a web browser by setup.ampedwireless.com
- Login with the help of Username and the password.
- Fill the username as well as the password with the “admin”. It is the default password that the organization has set up for the Amped routers.
- Go to the Settings>Management>Password which will be on the Justify side of the list.
- A window gets open which will be comprised of three blanks. First one will be of the old password, the new password and the confirmation of the new password
- Fill all of them with the appropriate details.
- At last, Click Apply.

Why setup.ampedwireless.com is not working?
A user can use setup.ampedwireless.com by two types - to interact with the setup wizard during the setup process and to interact with the web interface of the Amped router during the configuration process. A user is neither able to interact nor can access the router during the failure of setup.ampedwireless.com. Both the situations are different and so are their troubleshooting steps.
Here are the troubleshooting steps when the setup.ampedwireless.com is not working during the setup process
- If there is a wireless connection between your router and the computer, swap it for the wired one. Wired connections are more reliable during the setup process.
- Make sure that your computer is not being connected to any other wireless networks. Disable the Wi-fi connection of other networks, reboot the router, and try again.
- Use only supportable browsers to access the setup wizard of the Amped router. You can use Internet explorer, google chrome or Mozilla Firefox, and safari.
- Close the current browser and reopen it after deleting the cache and history of it.
- Open a browser and type the IP address of the Amped router on the web address bar, if the web menu appears on the screen, your router has already been configured. Scroll to the bottom and click on the Setup Wizard link to re-access the setup wizard from the setup.ampedwireless.com window
- You can also perform the reset process on your Amped router to access the Setup Wizard of it. Hold the reset button for around 10 to 20 seconds. When the reset process is done, the setup wizard will appear if a user hasn’t configured the router yet.
Note: Make sure there is no network issue over your network that may be responsible for the setup.ampedwireless.com failure issue. Contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) to query the network-related issue. You can also determine the network status of your network through the Network tab of the router’s web interface.
Here are the troubleshooting steps when the setup.ampedwireless.com is not working during the configuration process
- Make sure that you have already turned on the switch with which your router has been connected. Connect your router to the computer using an Ethernet cable.
- Only use the authorized web browsers to access the setup.ampedwirless.com configuration page.
- Try accessing the main web menu page of the router using the LAN IP address of the router on the address bar. The IP address of an Amped router is
- Delete all the histories and cache memory of the browser using the settings option. Close the browser and reopen it.
- If the setup wizard appears instead of the web menu, it means the router has not been yet configured. You need to complete the setup process, then you can access the Dashboard of your router.
- You can also perform the reset process to access the configuration page of the Amped router. You may skip or complete the setup wizard to access the web menu of setup.ampedwirless.com interface.
Frequently asked questions | setupampedwireless.com
What is the default IP address of the Amped Wireless routers?
Like other routers, IP address of the Amped wireless routers also holds the capability to get to the management page of the Amped routers. It is an alternative of www.setupampedwireless.com to adjust the features and the settings of the Amped routers.
The default IP address of the Amped router through which you can log in is
How can an individual access the configuration settings of the Amped routers?
The user can type www.setupampedwireless.com on the URL of the browser. You can access all the advanced settings including the configurations of the Amped routers. The web management also includes the setup, update of the firmware, changing the password and various others purposes which can easily be utilized with the help of Web management page.
How can I download the latest firmware for the Amped wireless routers?
The latest firmware of the Amped routers can be updated from the Amped wireless support site. It is usually recommended not to download the firmware from any third party to prevent your router from any bugs or malicious content. The firmware could be upgraded from the www.setupampedwireless.com
How an individual could prevent the Wi-fi signals from disappearing?
These are the precautions that you should take if your Wi-fi signals are disappearing which are slowing down your network.
- Check the firmware is upgraded or not as the presence of bugs or viruses could be regarding this problem which is making your signals disappearing.
- Choose the right place to your router along with your amped extender which will provide you enough signals.
- Use the Guest access feature efficiently from the web management page which will keep the visitors away from your private network.
- Choose the reliable devices or the users to access your network which will prevent any incoming trojans and bugs from your network.
- Keep your extender updated and the password of your extender away from the unknown user.
How to reset your Amped Extender?
Amped Extender should be frequently reset in order to refresh it from the cached data and other disrupted information. Resetting is a basic step to bring the device back into the default settings. Follow these steps to reset the Amped Extender
- Turn around your Amped router and locate the reset button behind it.
- Using some small pin and paper clip hold that reset button for 10 seconds.
- Everything will revert back to the default setting including the username and the password.
Note: Now when you log in to the Amped router you have to use the new username and the password.
I am not able to get to the setup wizard of the Amped routers? What should I do?
If any user is not able to get to the setup of the Amped routers there can be the various reason they are
- You must see whether your PC is even connected to the network or not.
- You must check whether you have followed the former steps properly or not.
- The slow or poor network can also lead to this problem.
- Just check whether you are typing the correct link or not. You can also google it down or if that also doesn’t work you can call at the support site of the Amped routers.
Note: You can access the web management page of the Amped router by www.setupampedwireless.com or by the IP address
What could be the reasons if my Amped router is using more data than the usual?
Sometimes your Amped routers can also use more internet than the usual speed. Reasons for this problems are
- Check all the number of devices connected with the network. If there are more than the number of the devices that your router cannot handle, then eliminate some devices in order to gain your network speed.
- Go to the Guest access and check out all the list of the users use shared your network. Check if there is an unknown user or not if there is then eliminate or block that device from the network.
- Update the firmware of your extender as well as the router, to remove the malicious virus or trojans from your device in order to escalate the speed.
- Place your router and extender in the perfect place in order to enhance the speed which will be signified by the green light of the router.
What is the utilization of the Parental control feature?
Parental control is the efficient feature of the Amped router which blocks the specific sites and programs away from the specified users. This feature is efficiently used by the parents or guardians to keep the children away from adult-oriented or illegal websites. The feature safeguards the children from malicious content which should be considered as the remarkable steps toward their successful carrier.